Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I haven't forgotten or quit my efforts at fitness.  I went to boot camp Friday and did really well with it.  Because of struggling a little Thursday, I went ahead and made sure to eat dinner twice that night so I was fueled up and ready to go.

Saturday was a wash-I was active, but with basketball, a duet practice, some date time with the Mr, a playdate and a few other adventures, the gym just didn't fit in.

Yesterday, I had a munchkin not feeling well and some appointments that got in the way, but I did pull out my weights and do a bunch with them before bed, and I spent 2 minutes stepping on my stairs.  30 sec forward, 30 sec backward and 30 sec to each side.  Up.  Down.  Up.  Down....  Today?  Boot camp is back!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Yesterday was a total rest day.  I tried to eat reasonably, but dental surgery Tuesday afternoon had me feeling pretty crummy.  I'm hoping to be able to go and do boot camp this morning.  Not entirely sure I'm up to it.  Yesterday I had a terrible headache and was exhausted.  I got up early and went back to bed for another 2 hours, and took a 3 hour nap in the afternoon.  I don't know if it was recovery from the dental stuff or if I'm fighting a bug or what.  Even if I feel decent (so far I do), I'm not sure I have the energy to do a full on intense workout.  We'll see.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Got my workout in. Did my pushups...accidentally did 10 sets instead of 7...I get bonus points for that, yes? W6D2C1 done. I wrote down the sets I had left when I went to the gym, but then I couldn't find it! I guessed. I actually did 14/14/15/15/14/14/14/13/13/44. (Assigned was 14/14/15/15/10/10/44). And I didn't modify. I only paused for just a breath toward the end of the last set. =D Oh yeah.

Got in 1 mile on the track. Decided that I don't like jogging more than about 1/2 m on the track. I had intended to try to replicate the distance from Saturday, but after about 1/2 m, my feet and shins felt like they were really tight and tense, so I walked more than jogged the last 1/2. I didn't have that problem outside, but i have noticed in on the track before. Weird. Then I did a full ST weights workout, 7 minutes on the stairs-I only lasted that long cause someone was talking to me, an effective distraction, then 35 on the elliptical for 2.57 miles before a good stretch.

Total today=3.57 miles

Total January=46.7/50

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Guess what I did? I tied my shoes and went. for. a. jog. I just mapped it. It was 3.56 miles. I am just now checking my HRMonitor for time. Drumroll? ...42:39! Avg HR 137. That's about 12 minute miles and an avg speed of 5 mph!

I can't believe it.  I'm a RUNNER!

Total Jan miles=43.13/50

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Boot Camp today!

I ROCKED at boot camp this morning. I pushed hard on the stairs, I did TRX (pushups and rows), I did band work with a partner--that was a change and kind fun, I did okay on the elliptical and then the tread. The treadmill is the easiest for me to see my progress on, as sprinting speed when I started end of Oct was 5 or 6 mph. Today I did the first sprint at 6.5 cause I felt like I was still recovering from the elliptical, but the second sprint was at NINE point FIVE! Oh yeah! Then it was the abs station, where I used the biggest medicine ball (I usually use the 8 or 10 lb weight but this was maybe 15 or 20??) to do torso twists...my biceps felt it! Then side steps with the bands to end up. All the gym work was low jumping/running/rows/squats/plank stuff, and I did it ALL! Avg HR over the class, (without warm up or stretching after) was 150! See! I did work hard! Total mileage today was low as I only did the 2 machines that track it, but it was 1.96 miles I'll add in (that includes my warm up).  

After lunch, I walked my daughter to school, so add 1.25 miles.  

Total mileage today=3.21

January total=39.57/50

Monday, January 14, 2013

So I went to the gym today. I was supposed to do a pushup exhaustion test, but I am beyond tired of push ups. Ya'll call whine at me, but I am modifying my plan to make it through 6 weeks. I did 30 today, and just didn't want to do the test, knowing that I am doing week 6 whatever the test came out. I probably coulda done a few more, maybe more than a few, but my apathy won the battle. I will do W6C1 next week and then I'm done with the challenge regardless. I've come from 6 to WAY more than 6. 

I did 60 minutes on the treadmill on hills and got 2.71 miles and then I did 35 minutes on the elliptical interval program doing one interval forward and then one back the whole time. 2.54 miles there. 

Today's miles?  5.25

That brings my grand total of miles in January to...36.36/50! 

(And I have a funny feeling muscle/tendon on the front and outside of my leg at the top. Like that spot is more sore than everywhere else. Weird.)
Saturday I did 1/4 mile warm up on the track then 2.25 on the treadmill.  I walked forward, backward and sideways, flat and with some incline.  I was just wanting to ease my soreness.  I ended up with 1/3 mile total on the track so that's 2.58 total miles Saturday.

Total January = 31.11/50

I went to Shannon's Friday class today. Lots of squats and lunges, lotsa pushups, steppy things, and jumping. Not a big deal. Avg HR during the class was 141 over 52 minutes. BUT, every time I went from doing something on the floor to my feet, I got way dizzy. After twice, I just didn't get down on the floor anymore and would do something from earlier in the class that was upright instead. I didn't feel like I was going to pass out. I wasn't struggling to breathe really. My HR wasn't out of control. I ate decent yesterday I think...can't remember breakfast, but lunch and dinner were turkey and provolone sandwiches on homemade bread. I had some small pieces of banana bread a few times for snack and I drank a bit of water--probably 60-95 oz. I didn't feel sick to my stomach until 30 minutes AFTER the workout was done and it passed super fast. It felt exactly like it always did when my blood pressure was low and I'd change position too fast but I haven't had that issue in months and months. Shannon totally blamed my fuel being insufficient. Guess I'll hydrate and eat better this week so I can counter whatever it was, I hope. 

I did 1 m on the track before class, jogging most of the first .5, then walking. And then I did 3 m on the spin bike at a comfy pace with low resistance. I was sipping at water before and during class

Total Friday=4 miles

Total January =25.93

Thursday afternoon, I walked Ri to school and kept going with a friend for 2.6 miles.  

Total January = 28.53/50

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I jogged 1/4 m today!  I haven't done that before...not on the track at least!  I continued on to do 1/2 m for a fast warm up at 5:41:13 and then a much slower pace to finish a mile at 15:11:85.  Avg HR was 123 for that.

It wasn't time for class yet, so I got on the treadmill, incline 3, speed 2mph and did another .32m backward.  I didn't have the HRM going for that.

Boot Camp started with elliptical (.67 m) then treadmill (.45 m).  Today's format was :30 warmup, 1 min sprint, :30 recovery, :45 sprint, :30 sprint, :30 recovery, :30 sprint and final :30 recovery.

Time in the gym was bear walk and burpees with a forward jump between.  I'm such an awful forward jumper that I just skipped the pushup part of the burpee.  Shannon said my bear walk was awesome!  =D    The second time was alligators and frog jumps.  I walked the jumps--I need to figure out how to do them!    Then it was core.  On a mat on my back with feet straight up.  one leg down almost but not quite to the floor, then the other, then lift my hips up off the floor (reverse crunch).  8 of those then a :30 plank, then do both again.  I broke the second plank into halves, and probably counted fast.  I was tired.

Next rotation on cardio was abs-10lb weights in each hand stretching to the side, arms straight, letting the obliques do the work.  Then moving side squats with 12 lb weight pushing it overhead between the squats.

Last time was a spin bike (2.26 m) and then the rower.

HR through the workout  and cool down was 134.

Looks like my total distance today was 4.7 miles.  (WOW!)

January total so far?  21.93/50

What did I do yesterday?  Nothing.  I ate banana bread and almond roca and I went to appointments and meetings.  Everyone needs a down day now and then.  =)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Boot camp today! Did my pushups first. All but the last set I did at home.  36/40/30/24/40.  I had to pause a few times in a few sets, but I did them!  There was a set of 15 during boot camp too--and I did those.  =)  

Warmed up .5m on the track at 5:51:89, then did another .5m for a total mile time of 13:43:01. I was early enough that it wasn't time for class yet, so I did another .6m on the treadmill, the first .25m backward. 

During class I did 3.21 miles between the treadmill twice, elliptical, and bike twice. I also did stairs and TRX...TRX was last, and I only did half, but I did a little planking with my feet up and from that position, some pull my knees in. Today really wiped me out. I couldn't do anymore. We did lots of sprints (for me that's jogging) in the gym today, with burpees at the end...amazingly, I actually did jumpy/bouncy burpees for the first time. I usually walk my feet back and forth, but they bounced today. Slowly, yeah, but I did it. HRmonitor seemed to be having issues during my warm up. It says my avg for the workout (not warm up) was 145 over 57 minutes.  The pattern today was 30 sec pushing speed, 1 min sprint, 30 recovery but still moving well, 30 sec baby hill, 1 min max hill, 30 sec recovery, switch.  

Weighed in today.  Tuesday has long been my official weigh in day.  Today was 165 lbs.  

Total distance today=4.81m
Total January miles=17.23/50 miles

Note to self, the bike is a great way to push and rack up miles.  Over 2 of those miles were on the bike.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Started my day early this morning, as my school semester has started and 5-6:30 am is my study time.  After that I did my push ups exhaustion test and did 43!  I haven't done that many in one set before, so I am excited!  That means tomorrow I'll start week five and column three.
I got to the gym and did my warm up on the treadmill this time.  I did part at a jog, part backwards, and part at a walk.  All told, it was 7 minutes 17 seconds to .52 m.
After my warm up I did ST.  Biceps, triceps, core, chest presses, overhead presses, dead lifts, lats, flys, and probably a few other things with weights from 8-10 lbs.  I did two sets, I think, of most things.
Then some cardio.  I was feeling more sluggish than usual which somehow led me to the treadmill.  I set it on an interval that alternated between flat and an incline of 3 and did about 45 minutes.  That got me 2.3 m and I think about 1/3 of that was backward-at a higher speed than usual for me so my legs were whiney when I finished and are a bit achy still.

My heart rate monitor didn't pick up during my warm up, but the total time otherwise was an hour and twenty minutes, during which my AVG HR was 123.  Like I said, not so much energy today so a lower intensity.  I'm hoping that as I readjust to that early morning my energy level will even back out and I'll rock my workouts.  =)

Total distance today?  2.82m

Total January miles?  12.42/50m

Saturday, January 5, 2013


So trying to describe the 90 minute Boot Camp class is simple. OUCH! Shannon, the instructor, started with cards from 8-Ace with values assigned to dictate how many reps we'd do for things. I think we started with 11 for jumping jacks and pushups. (seriously, I did 160+ pushups yesterday!) We were supposed to do 1 of each, then 2 of each, then 3...all the way up to 11. That was the pattern for each pair of exercises. We did hundreds of squats and lunges in that first hour. We did lots of jumping. She threw various burpees in now and then and they were simply however many without building up. There were rows, biceps, squats, lunges, flys and triceps with weights. The last 30 minutes was all core. Planks, various situps, superman, superman swimming, side planks, Tim Tebows...and I'm sure that I'm forgetting a ton of things. I modified things a lot so that there wasn't so much up and down from the floor to standing...especially after the 45 min mark, when I got a little light-headed. I couldn't hardly do the plank position at all, or the pushups-though I tried before taking a break during those, and for a lot of the things I just went slower or did one exercise instead of alternating. I didn't wear my HRMonitor today, cause I didn't expect to be moving enough to get it going much...now I really wish I'd worn it! I'm going to try to go to the weekly 60 minute Friday boot camp in the future...but I'll be super glad it isn't 90 minutes very often. Shannon, btw, showed up in a pink tutu, a tiara, and a pageant style sash. She made sure to tell us no soda, lotsa water, and that our calorie burn should have been in the 700-1400 range! Seriously, my legs are not happy. I'm gonna try to go walking somewhere with hubby later to keep things from getting too very tight, but already, ouchie!

I did start off with 1/2 m on the track to warm up.


Still very achy and sore from yesterday, so I knew I needed to get myself a workout in to loosen things up.  I headed off to the Y to get it done.  I did pushups today.  Sets of 29 and 33 before I left home.  Then a set of 29 before I did 1/2 m on the track in under 6 min for my warm up.  Another set of 29 then .37 m on the treadmill.  I set it up for a fitness test at 3.4 mph with increasing incline.  It shut down when my HR stayed at over 150 for a full minute.  Oh well.  I moved to the eliptical and did 1.7 miles there on the interval program.  Didn't have the strength left to do one set of 40 pushups, so I did 20, rested for about 10-15 secs, then did additional sets of 10 3 times with those mini breaks in between.  

Total mileage yesterday and today?  .5+.5+.37+1.7=3.07m

Toward my goal this month?  9.6/50 miles

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Today is a pushup challenge day and a cardio boot camp day.  I do my pushups before boot camp or they're impossible.  SO...

Sets of 25/29/25/25 in the hour before the gym.  I am doing Week 4, Column 3, Day 2 from hundredpushups.com  The last set I did just after I got to the gym. 

When I got to the gym, I headed up to the track for a warm up.  I did 1/2 mile and the last set of push ups (40!) in 6 minutes 29 seconds.  I used the lap counter on my phone to track each lap and the time for pushups.  The 1/2 mile alone was 5 minutes 45 seconds.  My heart rate avg during my warm up was 151.

Then Cardio Boot Camp.  This class is crazy.  Shannon is a pint size, super trim, personal trainer, and she runs the class.  There are 12 stations on various equipment in the "wellness center.  I tried to keep track of everything we did today, and write down any mileage I could log, but it was tricky.  I won't always do it in this detail, but here you go for today:  All the cardio bursts at the stations were 1 minute of warm up, 30 sec base speed, then 3 increases in speed so that the final one was a sprint.  Then 1 minute of recovery before moving to the next station or into the gym.  We did 2 bursts at a time.

TRX... hamstrings (lying on my back with my feet in the handles, pull my bum up and move my feet as if running)  This is rough for me, big time.  I did :30 twice for that.  I did the warm up and a split between hamstrings on situps.  Still on my back and with my feet in the handles, I put my hands together with my arms fully stretched above my head then sat up to bring my hands to reach between my feet.

Elliptical...Incline 10, Resistance 4.  I did this with my feet pedaling backwards today.  .31 miles.

GYM-10 jumping jacks, 2 laps jogged around a single basketball court (not sure it's full size, might be half court), 10 jumping jacks.  6 count slow squats with 20lbs of hand weights.  I think we did like 15 of these...it seemed like a ton, and the last half dozen or so I would wait to start until count 2 of 6. 

Calf machine...:30 on the machine with the minimum weight, toes straight.  :30 on the floor with no additional weight with toes in, and another :30 with toes out.

Abs station...the equipment is the ab roller there, but I'm not strong enough for that yet.  I did sit ups (same as on TRX but with knees bent and feet on the floor) for :30, :30 plank, :30 alternating toe touches on my back with my feet in the air over me, then :30 sit ups again.

GYM-10 JJ, 2 laps, 10 JJ.  Shannon called for push ups with a kicky twist thing in the middle, I did mountain climbers.  Kicks--on my back, hands under my bum, feet abt 6 inches off the floor.  Fluttering up and down, then back and forth.  Again, these are super hard for me and while I made it through the first minute or so, Shannon kept them going for a lot longer than that.  I did what I could.  The 2nd round through everything, I did regular pushups for about 10, then did the rest on my knees, so my total for pushups was probably 160-170 today.  I could hardly do anything for the kicks the 2nd round. 

Band...I don't know what to call this exercise, I stood on a resistance band, holding the ends up at my hips.  With that tension, I side stepped first one way, then the other.  I felt it in the outside of my hips at the top of my leg.  Ouch!  Did that for 1:30.

Treadmill...my heartrate hit 180 during this burst and it scared me a little.  I felt like I was really pushing, and my speed was lower than usual, but I got to .25m during the burst.  I did recover pretty quick, which Shannon was quick to point out.

GYM--10JJ, 2 laps, 10 JJ.  Then I took a quick bathroom break.  I got back in time for forward lunges with 20 lb total weight and bicep curls in the lunge position.

Rower...I'm not entirely sure if the rower distance converts, but I think it was 400 somethings, yards maybe? 

Treadmill...I started slower and pushed the last spring harder for this one, and felt like I handled it better.  Got .22 miles this round. 

GYM...stretched legs and hips good before having a clementine and some pistachios.

HR monitor says total work out time was 52:58 with an avg HR of 144.  I monitored the warm up separate, and turned it off at the start of the stretching.

Total miles logged today=1.28 for the warm up, treadmills and elliptical. 

January so far=6.53/50

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Workout Today:  Started with a little over 1/2 m on the track, walk a lap, jog a lap, run a lap.  14 laps=1 mile.  I did about 8 laps, then stopped for a 45 sec plank before doing 6 more laps...walk one jog 1.5.  Total time for the whole mile and everything was just under 15 minutes.  I think there was a quick pit stop for a swallow of water in there as well.  
Then I did 58 minutes on the elliptical, racking up 4 miles.  I was on the Glut 2 program, which is high incline, low resistance, half forward and half backward pedaling.  I did an additional .25m as a cooldown.  

My heart rate monitor was on from the warm up through the cool down and said my total time was an hour and 19 minutes, with an avg of 145 bpm.  I was exhausted when I finished, and took the time to eat a handful of pistachios and a clementine before heading home.  

Goals for this year?  I want to go from a size 12 down to a size 10 in pants/skirts.  I think getting down to 155 lbs is realistic, and I want to generally eat healthier and be more active with my family.  I will set a monthly mileage goal to reach through my exercise...for January the goal is 50 miles.  

Today got me 5.25 miles.